Friday, September 14, 2007

Tracking Blood Sugar Levels on a spreadsheet

I've seen many examples of people with diabetes tracking their blood sugar levels on a spreadsheet - sometimes in association with their diet/food intake. This is a site where Sherrie shares her experiences as a diabetic. I've only seen the public ones, like this - I bet there are many more private ones...

Site: Piece-by-piece
Post/Page: Blood Sugar Readings on a spreadsheet
Spreadsheet: See Sherrie's spreadsheet or Get Your Own Copy
Other: Great description for creating your own spreadsheet online...


Unknown said...

Here's a link to a copy of my spreadsheet, where everyone can fill in the blanks with their own blood sugar readings.

Blood Sugar Readings Google Spreadsheet

I hope it gets lots of use by diabetes. The ability to easily share the spreadsheet online with diabetes' care providers is an invaluable tool!

Track My Sugars.COM said...

Diabetics can also use to keep track of their sugars and print out a nice report with line graph to show trending. Our service is free!