Thursday, February 14, 2008

Spreadsheet of Memories

Imagine a timeline of your life's experiences in a spreadsheet... for better or worse, I *can* imagine that - as I can relate to almost anything in a spreadsheet, and I can relate to the author of in his perception that "the days, weeks and months are just slipping by". Well he decided to start tracking his life in a spreadsheet timeline - in his words: "It's important to keep track of milestones in our lives -- big or small -- and I envision a future when everything you do, or did, will simply be online and interfaced with everyone else's lives. With each other's permission of course.". So he's included Jobs, relationships, residences, Trips, Events and more... Jon: please go check out MIT's Simile Timeline - and hook these two up... Blog
Spreadsheet:My So-called Life V1.0


jonyangorg said...

Thanks, I'm checking out the simile machine right now. Thanks for the recommendation.

Kurt said...


I tried to use the plugin in Google Docs, but i can't get it to work with both AD and BC dates. Suggestions?